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Modern Sectionals -Easy steps to choose and decorate sectional sofas

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modern sectional sofas

A Sectional sofa is usually the largest piece of furniture in your living room floor... and even the entire home sometimes. It is the one single piece that it is used the most and draws most of the attention in your space; ...Therefore a sectional sofa needs to be comfortable, functional and stylish....Having said that though, the majority of designs available are mostly boxy, bulky and thick . ...and these are acceptable designs for sectionals...!. It is when you bring them in your living room that you realize; how cluttered the place looks, how dominant the color of the sofa is and suddenly circulation is limited!....... Because sectionals are such large pieces , a careful selection of the design is extremely important... If you want to avoid the thick boxy look, focus on getting a design with slimmer lines or even organic shapes. Thinner cushions and frames can add a touch of elegance in your living room while still maintaining comfort... Funny but true attention on the legs of the sofas.. Slim elegant legs add a modern flair in the space while maintaining a sculptural quality and an airy approach .Thin legs can give the sense of floating in space.......... Another important factor to consider is decorating your sofa properly. This can be done with pillows and throws that bring in the color of your walls, flooring, carpet, or any other elements you may have in the room......... The color of the sofa is significant.Try to pick a color that blends with the surrounding.It is easier to bring other color tones (such as colored pillows to the palette)if they are minimum accents and do not overwhelm the overall decor. If you choose to go with a vibrant color keep in mind you will need to tone it down with accents that bring in the surrounding predominant color, otherwise your sectional will look out of place....... The use of details such as vases, sculptures or even a nice coffee table is a great way to take away the attention from the sectional . Try to play with volumes and shapes that enhance and contribute to the overall design......... Successful accent combinations improve greatly the overall aesthetics of the space and celebrate the beauty of your sectional........ Focus on the overall result not just on the sectional...harmony depends on the space as a whole!
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